Mission and goals
There are many challenges in the modern society: we need efficient and clean technologies for energy production, advanced materials, better medicines, efficient food production techniques, a clean environment, a better utilization of the natural resources. All these challenges have a common denominator: they involve chemical processes. Thus, the modern society needs the "engineers of chemistry", and this is why chemical engineering and chemical engineers provide the leading-edge solutions to the society’s requirements. Chemical engineering is focused on the chemical-physical transformation processes of materials, with the objective of producing goods, providing services and preventing, mitigating or removing pollutants. Chemical engineers make use of chemistry, physics and mathematics to describe the chemical processes from the molecular level to the macroscale (chemical plant), and to design, operate, and control all processes that produce and/or transform materials and energy.
Career opportunities
Chemical engineering is pivotal in all applications where energy and materials are transformed. Chemical engineers operate in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, food, and automotive industry; in the energy production and management; in the transformation and process industries; in research centres and industrial laboratories; in technical structures of the Public Administration; in environment and safety consultancy firms.
Possible further education
Subject to evaluation of their curriculum, graduates in Chemical Engineering can continue their studies in related fields such as Chemical Engineering and Safety and Prevention Engineering. With admission always subject to an evaluation, graduates may choose other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes or 1st level Specializing Masters.