Academic Year 2024/2025
What is the Study Plan?
The Study Plan (PDS) is the list of educational activities (exams, laboratories, other activities) that the student can carry out during each academic year; it has to be submitted – in any case – within the deadlines indicated in the "Deadlines" section through the Online Services tool.
Study Plan submission specifications
The study plan is valid for one year, so during the submission period you must give priority to entering the examinations that you had in the previous plan and that you have not passed at the time of submitting the new plan. You can then enter new courses that you have not previously enter.
Second semester courses that have already been attended must be re-entered in the new plan even if you intend to take them in the January/February remedial sessions; if you pass them in this session they will be removed from the new attendance requirements and will not be counted in the ECTS credits for the calculation of the all-inclusive contribution fee.
When registering for the exams, please remember that you will have to select them from the previous academic year's exams.
For Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Study programmes, it will be enough to enter the courses/educational activities only once in the Study Plan and these, if you do not pass the exam, will remain for the following years. Students are required to submit a plan every year until they reach the actual 120 ECTS credits required for their degree, and in the subsequent years they are exempt from submitting a plan unless they wish to make changes.
PLEASE NOTE: For the laboratories of the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering only, please refer to specific notices on the School's website.
You can confirm the Recommended Study Plan (which includes about 60 ECTS of courses) proposed by the system, or modify it in accordance with the limitations provided by the Educational Rules of your Study Programme; to know all details you can ask to your School.
- suggested Study Plan: is the educational plan suggested in the Educational Rules of the Study Programme. The plan is automatically validated at the end of the presentation period provided
- independent Study Plan: is the educational plan different from the "Standard" one defined by the Educational Rules. In this case, the plan will be evaluated by the Study Programme Board in order to be approved
The next stage is the Approval stage, which can only take place after the end of the six-monthly submission/amendment time window.
The qualification can only be awarded after the necessary actual ECTS credits have been achieved:
- 180 for Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) Study Programmes
- 120 for Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Study Programmes
- 300 for 5 Year Single Cycle Programme