Mission and goals
Environmental and Land Planning Engineering focus on the analysis and characterization of the state of the environment and on the design and management of structural and infrastructural interventions required for proper mitigation, restoration and maintenance of environmental quality. The Bachelor's programme provides students with a broad education grounded on all basic scientific and technical engineering capabilities, supplemented with specific foundations, required for the general assessment of environmental issues from natural and anthropogenic origin. The programme forms graduates with an inter-disciplinary vocational training addressed to the analysis and control of environmental phenomena and to the planning of interventions for solving problems originating from man-nature and man-environment interaction, in the general frame of sustainable development. During the first two years, students are trained to identify, analyse and evaluate environmental processes and implications at different spatial and temporal scales, whilst in the final year specific problems in the different fields of interest (natural hazard prevention, environmental monitoring, land planning and management, environmental protection and reclamation technologies) are presented and dealt with in a general approach based on the most consolidated and up-to-date intervention and management techniques.
Career opportunities
Graduates are expected to acquire proper technical capabilities for employment in public organizations and private companies to address common aspects present in a broad general framework of issues, including resource planning, monitoring and management, pollution prevention and control and land risk prevention and mitigation. BSc graduates are recognized as junior engineers in the class of civil engineering: following successful approval of qualification test after graduation, they might apply for enrollment in the Professional Association of Civil Engineers (which includes Civil, Environmental and Building Engineers), required for working as junior professional engineers.
Possible further education
Subject to evaluation of their curriculum, graduates can continue their studies in the same area of education in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering or in related fields such as Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation. With admission always subject to an evaluation, graduates may choose other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes or 1st level Specializing Masters.