The information provided about the programme refers to the academic year 2024/25 and may be subject to change in the academic year 2025/26.
A Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering or a related field. A solid background in Mathematics, Physics, Principles of Electricity, Thermodynamics, General and Applied Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Manufacturing Technologies, Production Systems and Materials is required. A Committee will evaluate students with different backgrounds case by case.
Mission and goals
The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to a Master of Science) trains professionals with solid engineering preparation and broad technical and applied contents, capable of operating successfully in areas characterized by a high technological level, strong interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity and in an international and constantly evolving labour market. This preparation allows mechanical engineering graduates to adapt to the most diverse professional needs quickly.
The knowledge imparted in the various courses is proposed in a training context which, in addition to their acquisition, aims to develop an aptitude for tackling new and complex problems in a scientifically rigorous way, critical evaluation of issues and autonomy judgment as well as communication skills necessary to effectively communicate the results achieved nationally and internationally.
The specialization tracks, which start from the very first year, cover a wide range of core mechanical competencies as well as mechanical and multidisciplinary applications:
Core mechanical competencies:
CM1 – Digital Technologies for Product Development (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CM2 – Materials Design and Processing for Industrial Engineering (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CM3 – Computational Mechanical Design (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CM4 – Green Design and Sustainable Manufacturing (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CM5 – Production Systems (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CM6 – Data Science for Industrial Engineering (Milano Bovisa Campus)
Core mechanical fields of application:
FA1 – Automotive and Motorsport Engineering (Milano Bovisa Campus)
FA2 – Marine Engineering (Milano Bovisa Campus)
FA3 – Railway Engineering (Milano Bovisa Campus)
FA4 – Mechatronics and Robotics (Milano Bovisa Campus)
FA5 – Mechatronics for Manufacturing (Piacenza Campus)
FA6 – Smart and Sustainable Industry (Lecco Campus)
Cross-cutting fields of application:
CC1 – Propulsion and Power (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CC2 – Wind Energy (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CC3 – Defence and Security (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CC4 – Bioinspired Engineering (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CC5 – Micro and Nano Systems (Milano Bovisa Campus)
CC6 – Sports Engineering (Lecco Campus)
Specific for each track, there are six mandatory courses (for 40-45 credits) of advanced mechanical core competencies in the first year. The remaining 15-20 credits are instead focused on core competencies of the selected track.
The second year is characterized by a broad educational offer for a total of 40 ECTS, within which the student can customize the didactic path that best fits his interests and aptitudes through the choice of courses. The choice must become a powerfully motivating dimension for the student who, therefore, acquires an active role in addressing his professionalization, favouring the disciplinary or multidisciplinary aspects. It should be noted that the student can choose 5 ECTS within the entire educational offer of the Politecnico di Milano as well as from the international partners of the main mobility programs, and 5 ECTS are reserved for laboratory activities within the research laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The second year ends with developing a degree thesis, to which 20 credits are assigned.
Career opportunities
Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines, synergistically combining the principles of physics and mathematics (mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, etc.) with materials science, to design, analyse, produce and maintain systems capable of generating force and movement, i.e. transport systems (road and rail vehicles, ships, aircraft, …), industrial equipment and machinery and production plants.
Mechanical engineering is also one of the engineering disciplines that has evolved the most by integrating IT, control, chemical and biological skills to lead to innovations in multidisciplinary and frontier areas such as composite materials and new alloys with ever more advanced performance, mechatronics and robotics, micro and nanotechnologies, propulsion and energy production systems, defence systems and armaments, bio-inspired systems as well as medical and sports devices. Innovations in these areas are vital in reducing energy consumption and environmental impact and building a more responsible and sustainable society.
The course of study in mechanical engineering is characterised by a very close relationship with the business world. The professional opportunities for graduates in mechanical engineering are far-reaching and varied thanks to the extensive professional skills in numerous industrial sectors. The professional figure is, therefore, directly expendable on the labour market and can quickly adapt to the most diverse professional needs.
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Know more about the Tracks and courses and the Programme description:
Tracks and courses - Milano Bovisa Campus
Tracks and courses - Lecco Campus
Tracks and courses - Piacenza Campus