Calls and competitions for professors positions
Selection procedures
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A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 08/CEAR-08 - DESIGN, ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY, ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 11559 of 13/09/2024, published on the O.G. 04/10/2024, N. 80 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DESIGN_1).
Deadline: 04-11-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 09/IIND-04 - MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 12045 of 18/09/2024, published on the O.G. 04/10/2024, N. 80 (Procedure code: 2024_PRA_DMEC_4).
Deadline: 04-11-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 01/MATH-03 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 12383 of 20/09/2024, published on the O.G. 04/10/2024, N. 80 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DMAT_5).
Deadline: 04-11-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 09/G2 - BIOENGINEERING, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 3404 of 19/03/2024, published on the O.G. 2/4/2024, n. 27 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DEIB_2).
Deadline: 02-05-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 09/G2 - BIOENGINEERING, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 3403 of 19/03/2024, published on the O.G. 2/4/2024, n. 27 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DEIB_3).
Deadline: 02-05-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 09/G2 - BIOENGINEERING, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 3402 of 19/03/2024, published on the O.G. 2/4/2024, n. 27 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DEIB_4).
Deadline: 02-05-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 08/CEAR-04 - GEOMATICS, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 6497 of 30/05/2024, published on the O.G. 18/06/2024, n. 49 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DABC_1).
Deadline: 18-07-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 08/CEAR-08 - DESIGN, ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY, ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 6496 of 30/05/2024, published on the O.G. 18/06/2024, n. 49 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DABC_2).
Deadline: 18-07-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 08/CEAR-06 - MECHANICS OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 6503 of 30/05/2024, published on the O.G. 18/06/2024, n. 49 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DICA_1).
Deadline: 18-07-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 08/CEAR-07 - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 6502 of 30/05/2024, published on the O.G. 18/06/2024, n. 49 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DICA_2).
Deadline: 18-07-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 13/STAT-04 - MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR ECONOMY, FINANCE AND ACTUARIAL SCIENCES, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 6494 of 30/05/2024, published on the O.G. 18/06/2024, n. 49 (Procedure code: 2024_PRA_DMAT_3).
Deadline: 18-07-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 01/MATH-02 - ALGEBRA AND GEOMETRY, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 6493 of 30/05/2024, published on the O.G. 18/06/2024, n. 49 (Procedure code: 2024_PRA_DMAT_4).
Deadline: 18-07-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 09/IINF-05 - INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 7289 of 19/06/2024, published on the O.G. 28/06/2024, n.52 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DEIB_5).
Deadline: 29-07-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Group of Academic Disciplines 09/IIND-03 - INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, MACHINE CONSTRUCTION AND METALLURGY, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 6495 of 30/05/2024, published on the O.G. 18/06/2024, n. 49 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DMEC_2).
Deadline: 18-07-2024
Selezione pubblica per la copertura di 1 posto di Professore di I fascia ai sensi dell’art. 18 Legge 30.12.2010 n. 240, Settore Concorsuale 09/E4 - MISURE, bandita con Decreto Rettorale n. 5097 del 23/04/2024, pubblicato sulla G.U. del 17/5/2024, n. 40 (Codice procedura: 2024_PRO_DMEC_1).
Deadline: 17-06-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 09/G2 - BIOENGINEERING, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 3449 of 20/03/2024, published on the O.G. 05/04/2024, n. 28 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DCMC_2).
Deadline: 06-05-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 09/E3 - ELECTRONICS, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 3405 of 19/03/2024, published on the O.G. 2/4/2024, n. 27 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DEIB_1).
Deadline: 02-05-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 09/D2 – SYSTEMS, METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 2636 of 01/03/2024, published on the O.G. 15/03/2024, n. 22 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DCMC_1).
Deadline: 15-04-2024
Selective mobility procedure to cover n° 1 Full Professor position by means of a call issued with Directorial Decree No.3639 of 26/03/2024, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 5-bis, of Italian Law 240/2010 - Academic Recruitment Field: 09/B3 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering (Procedure Code: 2024_MOB_I_DIG_1).
Deadline: 10-04-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 13/D1 – STATISTICS, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 2280 of 22/02/2024, published on the O.G. 01/03/2024, n. 18 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DMAT_1).
Deadline: 02-04-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 01/A3 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 2279 of 22/02/2024, published on the O.G. 01/03/2024, n. 18 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DMAT_2).
Deadline: 02-04-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Full Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 02/B1 - EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS OF MATTER, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 1640 of 07/02/2024, published on the O.G. 20/02/2024, n. 15 (Procedure code: 2024_PRO_DFIS_1).
Deadline: 21-03-2024
A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 13/A2 - ECONOMICS POLICY, issued with Rectoral Decree No. 1013 of 26/01/2024, published on the O.G. 13/02/2024, n.13 (Procedure code: 2024_PRA_DIG_1).
Deadline: 14-03-2024