The information provided about the programme refers to the academic year 2024/25 and may be subject to change in the academic year 2025/26.
A BSc (preferably in Engineering or Physics) is required to access to the MSc in Nuclear Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano.
Mission and goals
The aim of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Nuclear Engineering is to prepare engineers with skills necessary to design, build and operate power generation plants, radioactive waste treatment plants, systems using radiation for industrial, medical and research applications, etc. The educational programme, therefore, gives emphasis both to topics referring to energy applications, (i.e. fission and fusion plants, nuclear fuel, materials and safety) and to those related to non-energy applications, as in medical and industrial use of radiation, physics of matter, plasma physics and nanotechnologies with strong connections with the Nuclear Engineering field.
Three tracks available
Nuclear Plants, Nuclear Technologies, Nuclear System Physics.
Subjects common to all tracks
Radiation, detection and measurements; Fission reactor physics I; Nuclear design and technology
Optional subjects according to the track
Reliability Safety and Risk Analysis, Medical Applications of Radiation Fields, Radiochemistry, Nuclear Design and Technology Experimental Nuclear Reactor Kinetics, Waste Management, Decommissioning, Nuclear Electronics, Solid State Physics, Nuclear Materials, Nanotechnology, Nuclear Techniques for the Analysis of Materials, Statistical physics, Plasma physics, Nuclear Fusion.
Career opportunities
The graduates in Nuclear Engineering, thanks to the Laurea Magistrale multidisciplinary training, can easily be employed in the nuclear sector (e.g. industries operating in nuclear power plants design, construction and operation, in nuclear decommissioning and nuclear waste processing and disposal, in design and construction of radiation sources, in centers for nuclear fusion and high-energy physics), as well as in other areas such as the energy industry, the medical sector, the health, safety and environment sector (e.g. engineering companies, hospitals, consultancy and risk analysis firms) and also research centers and universities.
Know more about the programme through a current student’s experience. Book your online one-to-one meeting through #Askastudent – Our voice for your choice project.
More info
For questions regarding the eligibility of your academic background, please contact us at application-nucleareng@polimi.it
Watch this video to know more about the programme. English subtitiles available.
Browse the programme website
Know more about the Tracks and courses and the Programme description