(Webinar, Conferences)

  • Language: ENGLISH
  • Enrollment: 05-12-2022to hour 23:59 on
  • Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tools
Application completed, activity in evaluation
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Hours to attend
Max. number of students
Archaeological sites, Community involvement, Cultural heritage, Sustainable tourism
Environment and land planning, Circular economy, Heritage and landscape, Environmental and social sustainability

Description of the initiative

The activities related to the Passion In Action (PIA) initiative foresee the participation of students in a webinar that will take place online and concerning the theme of sustainable tourism with particular reference to archaeological sites.
In addition, students will carry out in-depth studies on the theme through the reading of materials and documents suggested by the teacher. With particular reference to archaeological sites, looking at a sustainable tourism development project means, first of all, considering "doing the right thing" and implementing behaviors that comply with ethical principles, including sustainability that has become a goal for all sectors and organizations, as represented in the "2030 Agenda" and as the pandemic has highlighted.
At the international level, with regard to the sustainable management of the tourist offer, it is known what is stated by the UNWTO in the guidelines on the development of sustainable tourism and related management practices, considered applicable to all tourist offers and all types of destinations". 
The principles of sustainability refer to environmental, economic, socio-cultural and administrative aspects.
The sustainable tourism development of an archaeological site implies an optimal balance of these four areas and represents a great opportunity for the dissemination of knowledge of the site, the protection of cultural and environmental diversity, the increase in prosperity and quality of life of the host community, since archaeology has always been considered a bridge between peoples and an instrument of intercultural dialogue. 
These activities allow students to develop an international vision in the field of sustainable tourism and to know the principles of integrated management of archaeological, cultural and environmental heritage, as well as to reflect on the job opportunities that can develop in this context and on the skills necessary for the implementation of future challenges.


dal December 2022 a December 2022


19 dicembre 2022 dalle ore 9 alle 14 (webinar online)

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