Graphene-based revolutions in ICT and beyond (GRAPHENE FPA)

Polimi role:
Scientific coordinator:
Roman Sordan
The Graphene Flagship is a Future and Emerging Technology Flagship by the European Commission. It represents a new form of joint, coordinated research on an unprecedented scale. FET Flagships are long term and large scale research initiatives driven by an ambitious vision. They tackle major science and technology challenges expected to result in 'game changing' impacts that benefit economy and society and pave the way to the technological and industrial leadership of the EU. The Graphene Flagship is tasked with bringing together academic and industrial researchers to take graphene from the realm of academic laboratories into European society in the space of 10 years, thus generating economic growth, new jobs and new opportunities. The core consortium consists of approximately 170 academic and industrial research groups in 22 countries. In addition, the project has a growing number of associated members that are incorporated in the scientific and technological work packages.
Program: Horizon 2020
Subprogram: Pillar I - Excellent Science
Call: H2020-FETFLAG-2014
Start date: 30-03-2015
Length: 72 months