Rendezvous Modelling Visiting and Enhancing (ReMoVE)

Polimi role:
Scientific coordinator:
Marco Lovera
The “Rendezvous Modelling Visiting and Enhancing (ReMoVE)” Action is committed to design a brand new technological solution for the problem of the active removal of large faulty satellites polluting strategical terrestrial orbits. This Action will deliver the preliminary system design of a small-size, agile, versatile, and modular satellite platform capable to rendezvous, join, and de-orbit a non-cooperative Target. The game-changing approach of ReMoVE is embedded in the Enhancing concept: by exploiting recent knowledge and technology advances, such platform will act as a smart and independent additive sub-system, whose contribution will allow the Target to recover the capability to perform de-orbiting manoeuvres. The greatest challenge entailed in this concept is dealing with an unknown uncooperative Target, demanding the development of a robust and advanced autonomous spaceborne guidance navigation and control system. At the same time, the outcomes of this Action will pave the way to a future multi-player, distributed, and sustainable commitment to realize space debris removal.<br /> This Action benefits from a well-balanced multi-disciplinary inter-sectorial structure, bringing together renowned academic experts in guidance navigation and control systems from Politecnico di Milano, and specialized engineers from the successful D-Orbit company, with an Experienced Researcher who already gave key-contributions to two multi-satellite missions in low Earth orbits. The Action foresees a high-level comprehensive training plan, apt to broaden ER’s expertise and to support the fulfilment of the proposed objectives.
Program: Horizon 2020
Subprogram: Pillar I - Excellent Science
Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2017
Topic: MSCA-IF-2017 - Individual Fellowships
Start date: 01-09-2019
Length: 24 months