MultidisciplinarY training network for ATrial fibRillation monItoring, treAtment and progression (MY-ATRIA)

Polimi role:
Scientific coordinator:
Luca Mainardi
MY-ATRIA brings together universities, companies and hospitals from 5 European countries (Italy, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands and Germany). The main scope of MY-ATRIA is to establish a multidisciplinary network able to develop research and training “without walls” among academic, industrial and clinical entities in the area of cardiac, atrial disease. The composite nature of the MY_ATRIA network will ensure a highly qualified training and research infrastructure, which meets the needs of academic research, industrial exploitation and clinical end-users. MY_ATRIA will generate a new profile of researcher with an intersectoral expertise able to fill the existing gap between basic research and clinical/business oriented solutions. The training and research activities of MY-ATRIA are designed to pursue innovation in three domains: i) Educational concepts: MY_ATRIA will implement a new, intersectoral paradigm of PhD training to shape a modern professional researcher with cross-competencies and able to accelerate the transfer of advances in basic science to market and clinics; ii) Basic science: MY_ATRIA will gain new knowledge about atrial functioning, atrial arrhythmias development and response to treatment, using multi-sectoral, model based integrative approach to explore the complex processes of electrical, contractile and structural remodeling of the atrial myocardium; iii) Technology solutions: MY_ATRIA will develop new methodologies and technologies for the early detection of atrial arrhythmias, its monitoring, progression and risk stratification as well as for a better patient treatment.
Program: Horizon 2020
Subprogram: Pillar I - Excellent Science
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017
Topic: MSCA-ITN-2017 - Innovative Training Networks
Start date: 01-11-2017
Length: 48 months