Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in doped semiconductor nanocrystals (SONAR)

Polimi role:
Scientific coordinator:
Francesco Scotognella
Doped semiconductor nanocrystals are an exciting emerging material. Carrier densities in the range of 1020-1021 cm-3 lead to localized surface plasmon resonances in the near infrared, with a tunability over a broad spectral range. Combining these materials with layered two dimensional materials, exciting options appear where the plasmon-exciton coupling or ‘hot’ carrier extraction enables local photoluminescence manipulation or tracking of local currents in a graphene based nano-device. The project combines expert scientists with complementary competences covering chemistry, physics, spectroscopy, microscopy, device design and theory among Europe and the US. Networking activities, workshops and conferences will facilitate the sharing of knowledge. Long term research exchange will enable the acquisition of new skills.
Program: Horizon 2020
Subprogram: Pillar I - Excellent Science
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016
Topic: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)
Start date: 01-01-2017
Length: 60 months