Exploring Manycore Architectures for Next-GeneratiOn HPC systems (MANGO)

Polimi role:
Scientific coordinator:
William Fornaciari
MANGO targets to achieve extreme resource efficiency in future QoS-sensitive HPC through ambitious cross-boundary architecture exploration for performance/power/predictability (PPP) based on the definition of new-generation high-performance, power-efficient, heterogeneous architectures with native mechanisms for isolation and quality-of-service, and an innovative two-phase passive cooling system. Its disruptive approach will involve many interrelated mechanisms at various architectural levels, including heterogeneous computing cores, memory architectures, interconnects, run-time resource management, power monitoring and cooling, to the programming models. The system architecture will be inherently heterogeneous as an enabler for efficiency and application-based customization, where general-purpose compute nodes (GN) are intertwined with heterogeneous acceleration nodes (HN), linked by an across-boundary homogeneous interconnect. It will provide guarantees for predictability, bandwidth and latency for the whole HN node infrastructure, allowing dynamic adaptation to applications. MANGO will develop a toolset for PPP and explore holistic pro-active thermal and power management for energy optimization including chip, board and rack cooling levels, creating a hitherto inexistent link between HW and SW effects at all layers. Project will build an effective large-scale emulation platform. The architecture will be validated through noticeable examples of application with QoS and high-performance requirements. Ultimately, the combined interplay of the multi-level innovative solutions brought by MANGO will result in a new positioning in the PPP space, ensuring sustainable performance as high as 100 PFLOPS for the realistic levels of power consumption (<15MWatt) delivered to QoS-sensitive applications in large-scale capacity computing scenarios providing essential building blocks at the architectural level enabling the full realization of the ETP4HPC strategic research agenda.
Program: Horizon 2020
Subprogram: Pillar I - Excellent Science
Call: H2020-FETHPC-2014
Topic: FETHPC-1-2014
Start date: 01-10-2015
Length: 36 months