(Frontal teaching, Experimental laboratory)

  • Language: ITALIAN
  • Enrollment: 22-11-2022to hour 12:00 on
  • Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tech and society
Application completed, activity in evaluation
Unrate this course
Teacher in charge
Hours to attend

Soft Skills - Public Speaking ability, presenting even complex topics in a clear and simple way. - Sketching Skills - 3D Modeling - Rendering - 3D Printing

Max. number of students
Selection Criteria
Portfolio assessment - motivational letter - Preliminary interview with responsible teacher - Knowledge of design and 3D Modeling software - Hourly availability - Priority to students of Integrated Product Design and Design & Engineering
Teaching learning - Design Elements - Orientation
Communication design, Interior design, Product design, Manufacturing, Career development

Description of the initiative

Call open to students from Design del Prodotto Industriale (preferably 3rd year) - Integrated Product Design - Design & Engineering -  Interior and Spatial Design.
Goal is introducing Polimi students to the difficult art of teaching by giving them opportunity to learn in the field. They will be professors for a limited period, demonstrating not only that they know the subjects of design, but also that they know how to transfer their acquired skills, through a real teaching activity. Their pupils will be students from high school. On the one hand, the activity aims to guide the Polimi students towards a possible future career as a professor; on the other hand, it will guide the high school students towards the study of design, in order to encourage their possible path at university or job in that direction. The workshop will be held in a school in Saronno, 1 train stop from Bovisa (in case of face-to-face lessons, train tickets will be provided). Lessons will take place - online or in person - 2 afternoon hours per week, for a period to be agreed between December and May. The total number of hours of each student will be concentrated in a short period of one or two months, or diluted during the year according to the availabilities; it will also be divided between hours of lessons and hours of independent preparation and / or with the teacher in charge.
Polimi students will be faced with a class of selected students from mixed backgrounds (Surveyor, Administration and Finance and Tourism), who therefore do not possess - or only partially possess - the basic tools of drawing. The work will start from the planning of the teaching units and program in general, to be decided together with the teacher who will act as Tutor during the lessons. The program must have a practical orientation and will therefore be aimed at transferring the basic tools of Design (mainly of Product and Interior design, with minimal hints necessary for the design of Communication). The lessons will mainly focus on practical design and design activities, from sketching to the use of modeling, rendering and 3D printing software, possibly using freeware programs or licenses for school use (eg Autodesk Fusion 360 - Sketchup for school or similar). Together with the teacher, a project theme will also be decided, which engages the students in the realization of a project that they will have to complete with the help of their young professors.


dal December 2022 a May 2023


Da definire (come sopra indicato in massima parte NON riguarderĂ  comunque le aule di Ateneo)

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