(Hackathon, Webinar, Workshop)

  • Language: ENGLISH
  • Enrollment: 19-10-2023to hour 12:00 on
  • Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tools
Application completed, activity in evaluation
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Hours to attend

BSc and MSc students from the School of Design, the following skills are preferred:
- Skills in product design
- Knowledge and/or interest oo Kids and Toys Design
- 3D modeling and rendering applications
- Sketching and digital prototyping skills
- Proficiency in the English Language

Max. number of students
Selection Criteria
Students will be selected through a short motivational letter on the topic of Design for Kids & Toys (max 500 characters). Optionally, it is preferable to attach a CV and portfolio as well. In case of equal qualifications, the order of arrival will be considered.
EXPERIENCE DESIGN, Toy Design, integrated product design, product service system design
Communication and presentation skills, Interaction design, Communication design, Product design, Service design

Description of the initiative

The international workshop, connected to the Master in Design for Kids & Toys of Politecnico di Milano, aims to imagine and create new play products for adults and children aimed at encouraging family interaction and learning by young users. Participants will be immersed in an international context and will have the opportunity to respond to a real brief with the innovative start-up Colombo Kids. Participants will work in mixed groups and all activities will take place on the online platforms made available by the Master in Design for Kids & Toys. The aim of the workshop is to test a new learning experience for a selected group of design students with a specific focus on developing innovative product and service systems for children. The international workshop offers an excellent opportunity for experimentation and creativity, exploring remote working, engaging experts and passionate participants and promoting international cooperation. The international workshop will be organized following the three main phases of the design thinking process. The workshop will start on November 6, 2023 and end on November 17, 2023 (2 weeks total). Activities: students will begin the workshop with research activities to have a first overview of possible innovation scenarios, user needs and what the market offers. Based on the research activity carried out, there will be a brainstorming session to develop several concepts for new products in the proposed overall context and defined opportunity scope. Each group will select 2-3 concepts from the ideas that emerged which will be presented in the final session on November 17th. At the end of this phase, Colombo Kids will decide whether there is a concept with potential commercial development. Expected results:
Students will work in teams and each team will prepare:
_ a virtual presentation of the RESEARCH that includes the innovation scenario (main topics of the research activity).
_ a virtual presentation of the CONCEPTS: overview of the brainstorming and the 2-3 selected concepts (description of the product with the main characteristics).
Each team will have 10 minutes to present their work.

Students will also be able to provide a final dossier with a collection of further information, details and materials developed during the workshop and useful for the company in making decisions for future developments.


dal November 2023 a November 2023


Il workshop durerà due settimane e le attività si svolgeranno in gruppi, per tutti gli studenti della Scuola del Design che intenderanno partecipare le attività saranno rese compatibili con la didattica istituzionale, si rassicurano gli eventuali partecipanti che in caso di sovrapposizioni con la didattica istituzionale tutti i materiali saranno fruibili in differita.

- Settimana 1) Ispirazione e ricerca; il 6 novembre si svolgerà la presentazione del Brief e dell'azienda, a seguire avverrà la presentazione delle tavole di cooperazione su per la prima settimana di attività; il 7 e l'8 novembre si svolgerà l'attività di ricerca sulle tavole Miro; l'8 novembre i vari team di studenti lavoreranno singolarmente alla prima presentazione contenente il risultato dell'attività di ricerca; il 9 novembre i singoli team di studenti presenteranno il risultato dell'attività di ricerca.
- Settimana 2) sviluppo concept; il 13 novembre l'azienda fornirà i feedback sulle aree d'opportunità emerse dalle attività di ricerca dei singoli team, a seguire avverrà la presentazione della tavola di cooperazione su per la seconda settimana di attività; il 14, 15 e 16 novembre i singoli team di studenti lavoreranno all'ideazione e allo sviluppo dei propri concept; il 17 novembre i singoli team di studenti presenteranno 2-3 concept.


The workshop will last two weeks and the activities will take place in groups, for all students of the School of Design who wish to participate the activities will be made compatible with institutional teaching, and any participants are reassured that in the event of overlaps with institutional teaching, all materials will be available on a deferred basis.

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