(Practical activities, Intensive Schools, Experimental laboratory, Workshop, Trips and excursions)

  • Language: ENGLISH
  • Enrollment: 17-05-2022to hour 18:00 on
  • Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tools
Application completed, activity in evaluation
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Teacher in charge
Hours to attend

Fluent in English Priority will be given to Master Degree students In:
Integrated Product Design, PSSD, Design&Engineering, Digital and Interaction Design, Management Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Food engineering

Max. number of students
Selection Criteria
High-grade point average (min 28)
Fluent in English
Brief motivation letter (max 300 words)
Curriculum vitae 
Portfolio evaluation (just for design students)
Basic knowledge of emerging technologies (just for engineering students)
 Priority will be given to Master Degree students in: Integrated Product Design, PSSD, Design&Engineering, Digital and Interaction Design, Management Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Food engineering
Design Futures, Digital Creativity, FUTURE SKILLS, creative process
Environment and land planning, Product design, Artificial intelligence, Food and Agriculture

Description of the initiative

Objective: Are you interested in finding out how to design for a more sustainable world using digital technologies? Are you interested in learning a new methodology to think and create in a collaborative, fair and innovative way? Are you interested in co-designing real tech-solutions for the island of Madeira, and work within an international and multidisciplinary environment?  Well, we have a fantastic workshop for you!  The first DC4DM Learning Lab will happen in Funchal and will focus on food, intended as the whole food chain system, from production, to distribution, consumption and regulation. To design new sustainable food systems, the participants will be invited to embrace the theme from different perspectives by considering the role of producers, consumers, and policy makers. They will have to identify a design challenge that would consider the application of one of the proposed digital technologies to shift to more distributive and regenerative systems for the island of Madeira. Method: A Learning Lab is a 10-days design-led workshop where students from design, engineering and management will work collaboratively to design new tech-solutions for more sustainable and ethical futures. Multidisciplinary teams would explore the potentialities of selected digital technologies proposed by five selected tech-SMEs or start-ups and will be supported by a group of international mentors with experience in different disciplinary fields. Learning Labs are part of the DC4DM methodology, one of the outputs of the ERASMUS+ funded project titled Digital Creativity for developing Digital Maturity future skills. 

At the Learning Lab "Feed Madeira' you will meet and work with students and experts from different disciplinary fields in three different countries " Italy, Portugal, and France. Each team will design new sustainable systems by introducing and using one of the proposed digital technologies. When talking about systems, teams must take into consideration the whole food chain, by possibly focusing on one particular aspect or phase such as production, distribution, consumption, regulation /policymaking. These new food chain systems should be distributive and regenerative both for local communities, natural ecosystems, and their organisms.  Teams will design new services by identifying the potential of the proposed digital technologies. Teams will visit some local sites - from organic farms to production/monitoring centres, to local natural landscapes - in order to understand the context of their design challenge, meet real food producers/distributors/ policymakers and observe the issues and obstacles to the sustainable development of the island. More info will be soon available here: www.dc4dm.eu


dal July 2022 a July 2022


DateOn-line meeting in Italian  timeProgram
TUE 5 JULYNo online meeting plannedAfternoonLLab kick-off - Introduction to DC4DM & Setting-up the DC4DM mood
WED 6 JULYNo online meeting plannedMorningStartUps & Tech presentations  AfternoonTalks on Sustainability
THU 7 JULYNo online meeting plannedMorningPREPROCESS activities  AfternoonPREPROCESS activities
 FRI 8 JULY  No online meeting plannedMorningPREPROCESS activities  AfternoonPREPROCESS activities
SAT 9 JULYNo online meeting plannedMorningACTIVITIES IN THE OPENAIRvisiting sites related to the design briefs
SUN 10 JULYNo online meeting plannedBREAK ¿ free day for island explorations
MON 11 JULYNo online meeting plannedPROCESS- Future challenge
TUE 12 JULYNo online meeting plannedPROCESS- Future challenge
WED 13 JULYNo online meeting plannedPROCESS- Future challenge
THU 14 JULYNo online meeting plannedPROCESS- Future challenge
FRI 15 JULY  No online meeting plannedMorningFinalising projects for the final presentation (POST-PROCESS)  AfternoonDM Sharing day ¿ final presentation to Start-Ups and local stakeholders


The DC4DM project budget will assign to each student a forfeit budget to cover flights to Madeira and accommodation for 10 nights.Participants will be asked to sign an NDA for the confidentiality of the knowledge/tech products made available by the startups/SMEs, while the startups/SMEs will sign a document to protect the intellectual property of the projects that will emerge from the Learning Lab.

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