
  • Language: ITALIAN
  • Enrollment: 21-06-2023to hour 12:00 on
  • Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development
Application completed, activity in evaluation
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Teacher in charge
Hours to attend

Open to all students of all CdL/CdLM programs in Design and Architecture. 

Max. number of students
Selection Criteria
Each student will be evaluated based on their motivation, skills, and preparation, taking into account a self-description and their CV.
Summer School
Product design

Description of the initiative

"DesignMind" is an immersive summer school that will be held in the village of Castellania Coppi (AL), aimed at those who choose to commit to a sustainable and inclusive future by working on a specific and concrete project, geolocated in an area rich in history, culture, and biodiversity, to help define its vocation and future. "DesignMind" is designed as a practical school that teaches design through the peculiar lens of design, referring more to the spirit than to the product, that attitude that pervades and underlies the culture of the project. A school as it was meant in remote and recent times, made up of real and tangible experiences, of a lively exchange with teachers, with the local community, and with other students. From this vision, DesignMind was born, in its first application on the territory entitled "This land is your land" to imply that project area where our action can have a real and visible effect, effective and not delegated to others or postponed to abstract times and formulas. The students hosted in Castellania Coppi on the hills of Tortona will be involved in a dense work, followed by an unprecedented pool of teachers including a team of established designers, professionals related to the world of design (designers, journalists, photographers, pr), and coaches. "This land is your land" includes moments of lesson and work mixed with formal and informal meetings with professionals who will accompany the student on a journey through the themes of the project, those practical and daily and those less evident, sometimes even the subject of taboos but equally present. For this reason, in addition to the development of the project, there will be a way to talk and deepen issues implicit in the life of the designer and generally not addressed in any school, which here will be the subject of real frontal lessons: copying; money; failure management; the hidden opportunity in the mistake; the construction of the idea; the method; the search for one's own design path. The days, very dense, will be composed of moments at different speeds: work and study, but also the discovery of the territory, the meeting with coaches, informal chats with designers, and the entire teaching staff, always available. Food and local specialties. Experiences that become part of the cultural and practical baggage of the participants, in a formula that happily combines work and pleasure.


dal July 2023 a July 2023


16 – 23 luglio 2023


board and lodging costs are borne by the student at approximately € 1,000.00.

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