
“Unconventional Affordable Housing” project kicks off

Exploring new possibilities of contemporary living

The “Unconventional Affordable Housing” project has kicked off. It will explore the new possibilities of contemporary living at the intersection of affordability and unconventionality, starting with a reflection on existing housing design, practices and policies.

The project has been recognized as a PRIN (Project of Relevant National Interest) by the Ministry of University and Research. The scientific coordinator is Gennaro Postiglione of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies.

The research addresses the issue of 'unconventional' housing, meaning the non-equivalence between the idea(s) of family, the type of housing and the presence of different social and cultural profiles, and age populations among families.

The project aims at identifying and analysing current accessible and unconventional solutions, investigating practices, projects and policies and thus gaining an understanding of the wide range of housing phenomena considered unconventional and accessible, in Europe and Italy.

The next step is to analyse these housing solutions and assessing their qualities, innovative features, shortcomings and criticalities.

Then, experiments and project proposals will be developed in each of the geographical contexts of the research units (Bari, Milan, Trieste), in collaboration with local stakeholders and at the intersection of policy and architecture, in order to explore the feasibility of innovative solutions within the identified working contexts.

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