
InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research: Professor alberto Guadagnini awarded

The award given during the 2024 InterPore annual meeting

Alberto Guadagnini, professor of hydraulics at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, was honored with the InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research 2024 by the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore). 

InterPore is a non-profit-making independent scientific organization established in 2008, aiming to advance and disseminate knowledge for the understanding, description, and modeling of natural and industrial porous media systems. 

The medal is given to scientists with an established career, in recognition of excellent research in general porous media, with emphasis on research conducted over the past 10 years. 

Professor Guadagnini was awarded on May 15 during the 2024 InterPore 16th Annual Meeting.