Language requirements: english and italian

Anno accademico 2024/2025

Politecnico di Milano has decided as prerequisite to access all Study Programmes, the knowledge of English language. The required level and the methods to assess the knowledge of English vary according to the Study Programme.

Please note that the Politecnico di Milano does not certify the knowledge level of the English language and all original certificates required for inspection are not retained. The Politecnico di Milano only registers the possession of the admission requirements and cannot in any way certify to external bodies that the foreign language certification has been obtained. The student must retain these certifications independently.

An Italian language proficiency test is mandatory for international students admitted:

  • to the Laurea (equivalent to three-year Bachelor of Science) in Architectural Design - EN
  • to the Laurea (equivalent to three-year Bachelor of Science) in Civil Engineering – EN

International students will be enrolled with Italian OFA additional educational obligations and must certify that they know the language before sitting the graduation exam and completing their studies.

For more information and how to discharge the obligations go to the Italian OFA additional educational obligations page.