“Microatlas”: a miniaturized imaging window for intravital nonlinear microscopy

Data di pubblicazione






Data di priorità



International PCT


Politecnico di Milano - Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering


Manuela Teresa Raimondi, Giulio Cerullo, Claudio Conci, Tommaso Zandrini, Roberto Osellame, Giuseppe Chirico


Microatlas is a miniaturized low invasive imaging window for intravital nonlinear microscopy in living organism; A patent application was filed by Politecnico di Milano with the collaboration of Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca and CNR. This platform allows to quantify an occurring reaction to exogenous factors such as biomaterial, tumor or drug implantation in vivo, drastically reducing employed animals for in vivo experimentations and related costs. This innovative device contains miniaturized scaffolds which guides tissue regeneration of the hosting living organism, and microscopic reference geometries which both allow repositioning the two-photon microscope field of view in different time points and real-time adaptive-optic techniques. The Microatlas has been largely validated into the chicken embryo model to be paired with brand-new biomaterials which require in vivo pre-clinical validation processes. The platform guarantees high level of feature precision thanks to the two-photon laser writing fabrication process. Microatlas platform can be incorporated into complex system that can be industrialized and commercialized.

Campo di applicazione

<p> <ul> <li> Test of material biocompatibility </li> <li> Animal testing </li> <li> Tissue reaction quantification </li> <li> Intravital microscopy </li> <li> Fluorescence/two-photon microscopy </li> </ul> </p>


<p> Compared to traditional imaging windows, the Microatlas presents the following advantages: <ul> <li> compact design that allows mini-invasive subcutaneous implantation surgery procedures. This quality reduces the implant related inflammatory response in small laboratory living organisms, such as white mice and chicken embryos. </li> <li> no direct persistent percutaneous access (painful and invasive); </li> <li> strong and efficient quantitative in vivo analysis of the fibrotic occurring reaction to the exogenous coupled material. This analysis permits a quantification in space and time up to the cellular scale, as required by the harmonized standard ISO10993; </li> <li> in vivo related costs are dramatically reduced up to the 90% diminishing euthanized laboratory animals in each mid time points </li> </ul> </p>

Stadio di sviluppo

Working Prototype

