(Hackathon, Workshop, Contest)

  • Language: ITALIAN
  • Enrollment: 04-05-2021to hour 12:00 on
  • Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development
Application completed, activity in evaluation
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Teacher in charge
Hours to attend

Le attività saranno svolte in lingua mista (italiano/inglese) gli output progettuali e le presentazioni saranno in inglese.

Max. number of students
Selection Criteria
Interested students should fill in the registration form (for selection purposes) 
Please note that in addition to the general questions, in order to participate it is essential to complete the section of the form that requires you to create a "POST" that tells your experience/story with the products and the VANS brand.
A first-person story where you are the protagonist of the story trying to be a journalist for a day. A strong experience, the story of a way of living the products and the brand.
The POST must be composed of a title, a short text, a maximum of 4 hashtags/keywords, a reference image/postcard that effectively summarises the POST and a series of other images, drawings (maximum 5). The post must be original and personal and will be the main element of evaluation for the selection.
Communication design, Interior design, Fashion design, Product design, Service design

Description of the initiative

The experience proposed to the students of the Milan Polytechnic involves an original path of developing new products, services and experiences for the customisation of VANS products, also in store.
The solutions generated will have to be creative and sustainable and allow the customer to live a simple, fun and engaging experience of customising their footwear through special customisation kits.

In short, the project objective will concern:
_ the development of a product/kit system that facilitates and democratises product customisation, making it accessible also to people without special artistic skills,
_ the design of an experience/physical event in which the kit is presented and tested by the public.

The planned activities are
- workshop (14 May / 7 June 2021)
The selected students, supported by teachers and tutors, will develop their projects.
There will be two revisions per week in extra-curricular hours and the launch of the initiative scheduled for 14 May 2021, and the final presentation of the results scheduled for 7 June 2021.
One or more winning projects will be selected from the projects developed by a mixed jury made up of the VANS teaching and marketing team.
- Prototype development of the selected projects
The authors will develop the selected projects with the support of teachers and tutors.
- In-store Experiences in one of the Milanese shops
In July 2021, in-store experiences will be scheduled in which students will present their projects to the public and test the kits developed with the support of VANS personnel.

The experience is, in fact, a complete process of product development, communication and in-store events.

For students of the School of Design enrolled in the Master's degree courses who, due to COVID, have had difficulty identifying compulsory curricular internships, after discussion with the teachers, it is possible to recognise the VANS CUSTOMIZATION EXPERIENCE as a curricular internship. Students interested in this opportunity must specify this in the registration form and participate in all the activities planned, even if they are not successful. They will be part of the project support and development team during both the design/prototyping and live experiences.


dal May 2021 a June 2021


L'attività prevede una prima fase di workshop dal 14 Maggio 2021 al 07 Giugno 2021.
Il workshop prevede la partecipazione a delle revisioni in orario compatibile con i propri impegni didattici. Al termine del workshop i team vincitori potranno sviluppare i propri progetti seguendo un calendario definito con la docenza, sempre salvaguardando la compatibilità con le iniziative didattiche. Nel mese di luglio saranno calendarizzati degli eventi dimostrativi negli shop VANS, anche in questo caso le date saranno compatibili con le esigenze didattiche e di studio e saranno concordate in corso d'opera.


Only for students enrolled in the Master's degree of the School of Design, who will'be selected, due to COVID, have had difficulty identifying compulsory curricular internships, after discussion with the teachers, it is possible to recognise the VANS CUSTOMIZATION EXPERIENCE as a curricular internship renouncing the extraCV cfu (3) foreseen in the Passion in Action call (as it will be granted as curricular cfu, only in this case). Students interested in this opportunity must specify this in the registration form and participate in all the activities planned, even if they are not successful. They will be part of the project support and development team during both the design/prototyping and live experiences.

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