(Seminars, MOOC)

  • Language: ENGLISH
  • Enrollment: 02-10-2020to hour 12:00 on
Application completed, activity in evaluation
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Hours to attend
Max. number of students

Description of the initiative

The initiative is structure as an innovative teaching path aimed at engaging capable, competent and highly motivated young talents in the paradigms of sustainable development. Students are selected based on their curriculum vitae, academic career and motivational letter. The programme alternates individual learning, linked to MOOC courses, to seminars and opportunities for proactive engagement such as peer education activities in schools. In parallel, a project-oriented group activity is foreseen. The course expands the batch of students exposed to sustainable development topics offering a passion in action initiatives. The course originates from the HONOURS PROGRAMME active since 2015 for the Master's Degree Courses of the Schools of Industrial and Information Engineering and of Civil, Environmental and Territorial Engineering and for study courses of the Engineering School of Urban Planning Construction Engineering. The programme takes place into the second semester of the first or second year of the Master's degree and has three distinctive elements: 1. Enrolment in the MOOC on the POK platform of the Politecnico di Milano: Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals (about 50 hours) 2. Participation in seminar-type training activities with internal, national or international public sector experts on sustainable development issues for a total of approximately 10 hours of seminar. Seminars will include lectures on Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030. 3. Proactive participation for an equivalent amount of 65 hours in practical restitution and dissemination activities on topics related to education to sustainable development. Particularly, students could be involved in the following initiatives: a. Sustainable education in high schools, b. Interaction with secondary students belonging to African schools c. Participation to a project group involving the conceptualization and development of an app able to track consumers' habits, framing everyday choices in the SDGs picture and providing an evaluation of their virtuosity with respect to sustainable development issues; d. Citizenship-Youth awareness campaigns, which will also be an opportunity to collect data needed to finalize the app, and to share it for a first pilot-test. Thanks to the participation in the cycle of conferences, students will be exposed to a wide variety of topics and interlocutors, which may have positive repercussions on the education of young talents with a particular sensitivity to Sustainable Development.


dal February 2021 a August 2021


Nell'anno accademico 2020-2021, il percorso si articola lungo il secondo semestre, da Febbraio ad Agosto.

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