The modules cover the essential skills needed to tackle dynamic identity system projects, addressing the following topics: - Visual Identity: how to approach contemporary visual identity projects on digital channels, both from a cultural and an application perspective. - Sound Design: communicating identity through sound; designing and managing visual and sound components in an integrated and effective manner. - Motion Design: managing dynamic visual identity system projects, for artifacts and formats (e.g., idents, promos, titles, bumpers, dynamic scenographies, etc.) that convey the television identity across schedules and different digital media, deepening knowledge of graphic software, digital animation, and techniques of editing, compositing, and audio and video post-production. - Multichannel and Storytelling: articulating the identity system across different channels and managing the project in a way that is consistent with the values, message, and modes of consumption of various digital media. Managing the project to create a truly recognizable and engaging system, both online and offline, using narrative principles and storytelling techniques to both enhance and amplify network identity and construct the content itself, to be distributed across media and/or during live performances and shows. In this context, challenging topics will also be addressed, such as: prompt design for creating multimedia content with generative artificial intelligence systems; the relationship that contents for dynamic (multimedia and immersive) scenographies have with space and narrative. The course takes place in person at the POLI.design and Mediaset headquarters. The curriculum includes online lessons and an internship or professional project. The course concludes with a final exam focused on the results achieved throughout the entire course.
Educational project
The course is designed, managed and provided by POLI.design and MEDIASET The course aims to train and perfect professional visual designers working in the digital communication sector for the television and entertainment industry. It seeks to provide advanced technical skills in motion graphics, video and audio editing, compositing, and post-production, along with a deep cultural understanding of visual identity and motion design for integrated communication systems. Through a theoretical and applied study program, participants will develop the creative and technical skills necessary to design and implement dynamic, multi-channel identity projects, enhancing their ability to create complex digital systems. The course includes different learning phases: the first part focuses on introductory modules in digital visual communication and the design of complex visual systems. This is followed by a practical phase in the form of workshops, where design skills will be applied to developing an integrated project, immersing participants in the television and multiplatform reality of the Mediaset company. Additionally, participants will develop advanced technical skills in production and post-production software, supported by expert tutors and teachers. The curriculum consists of lectures and project activities. Specifically: - Theoretical lessons aimed at providing a cultural deep dive into the discipline and its various aspects; - Master classes designed to facilitate contact between participants and industry experts; - Workshops: design experiences to experiment with the knowledge acquired through real briefs proposed by Mediaset and developed within their production studios.
The Post Graduate Program (with ECTS) is aimed at candidates holding a Bachelor degree or Master Degree or First or Second Level Academic Diploma in Communication Design, Architecture,Industrial Design, Design or Visual Arts, Communication Sciences (in the area of media studies), Cinema and Television, Arts, Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies. Equivalent foreign qualifications in their respective University Systems will be considered valid. The Board reserves the right to admit candidates holding the aforementioned qualifications in disciplines other than those specified above, if the course can be a complement to the candidate's training or skills and professional experience demonstrated by them.
Faculty and staff
Co-Director: MIRKO PAJÉ
POLI.design S.c.r.l.
Contact person